AGP Stove Parts

Lopi AGP Pellet Stove Parts and Accessories

Built between 2012 - Current

  • Avalon/Lopi Pellet Stove Fuses

    Avalon/Lopi Pellet Stove Fuses

    Avalon/Lopi Pellet Stove Fuses    (5 pack) 5 Amp quick blow Fuse (Package Of 5).For *1993 to present pellet stoves and inserts.This fuse inserts into the tubular fuse holder in the control boxes (to 1996) or at the back of the newer model...
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  • Avalon/Lopi Pellet Stove Fuse Holder

    Avalon/Lopi Pellet Stove Fuse Holder

    Avalon/Lopi Pellet Stove Fuse Holder The fuse holder is used on most Avalon and Lopi Pellet Stoves and Inserts. Typically used inline with the power cord for incoming electrical power. Fuse is not included, for fuses please see: ...
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  • Auger Bushing & Bushing Plate Kit (250-04352)  Auger Bushing & Bushing Plate Kit (250-04352)

    Auger Bushing & Bushing Plate Kit

    Auger Bushing & Bushing Plate Upgrade Kit Compatibility:  AGP Stove      SN# 2401-004998 TO 2401-005776 AGP Stove      SN# 2111-000000 TO 2111-000975 Avalon AGP Insert      SN# 2402-002235 TO...
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  • Lopi / Avalon Auger Drive collar 91002021

    Lopi / Avalon Auger Drive Collar 91002021

    Lopi  / Avalon Pellet Stove  -  Auger Drive Collar 91002021 Auger Bearing Collar for Most Avalon and Lopi Pellet Stoves Designed for the below pellet stoves and inserts: Avalon Astoria Pellet Stoves  Avalon Astoria Bay Pellet...
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  • Avalon / Lopi  Snap Disk 250-00312 Avalon / Lopi  Snap Disk 250-00312

    Avalon / Lopi Snap Disk 250-00312

    Avalon and Lopi Pellet Stove    120deg Snap Disc   250-00312        Replaces 100-00231 and 98900720 Universal Convection Blower Snap Disc for most gas units. Normally Open (NO) snap disc
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  • AGP Burnpot Deflector 250-04261 AGP Burnpot Deflector 250-04261

    AGP Burnpot Deflector 250-04261

    Lopi AGP Pellet Stove  -  Burnpot Deflector #250-04261 Avalon and Lopi AGP Pellet Stoves    Firepot / Burnpot cover-  NO FASTENERS REQUIRED. Used in the below Lopi and Avalon units: Lopi AGP FreeStanding Stove   ...
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  • AGP Insert  -  Hopper Lid Switch

    AGP Insert - Hopper Lid Switch

    AGP Insert   -   Hopper Lid Switch Hopper Lid Switch Assembly. Includes wiring harness. Shuts metering auger off when hopper lid is open For use on the below models only: Lopi AGP Insert Avalon AGP Insert Will NOT work on...
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  •  AGP Stove - Hopper Lid Switch 250-02588

    AGP Stove - Hopper Lid Switch

    Avalon & Lopi AGP Pellet Stove   -   Hopper Lid Switch Hopper Lid Switch Assembly. Includes wiring harness. Shuts metering auger off when hopper lid is open For use on the below models only: Lopi AGP Stove Avalon AGP...
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  • AGP Burnpot Deflector 250-02615

    AGP Burnpot Deflector 250-02615

    Lopi / Avalon AGP Pellet Stove  -  Burnpot Deflector #250-02615 Avalon and Lopi AGP Pellet Stoves and Insert   Firepot / Burnpot cover-  NO FASTENERS REQUIRED. Used in the below Lopi and Avalon units: Avalon AGP Stove ...
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  • Lopi HRD Assembly Repair Kit Lopi HRD Assembly Repair Kit

    Lopi HRD Assembly Repair Kit

    Lopi HRD Assembly Repair Kit This Kit is VERY HARD TO INSTALL  Only qualified service technicians should perform this service Compatibility AGP Stove - SN# 2401-004998 and up AGP Stove - SN# 2111-000000 and up AGP Insert - SN#...
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  • Lopi Brass Cam 250-00598 Lopi Brass Cam 250-00598

    Lopi Brass Cam 250-00598

    Lopi & Avalon Stoves  -  Brass Cam 250-00598 Avalon and Lopi Front Door Cam Replaces 99900416 Brass Cam and many Lopi and Avalon Pellet and Wood Burning Stoves Lopi 1250 Republic Lopi 1750 Republic Lopi AGP Pellet Stove Lopi...
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  • Avalon AGP Retro Snap Disk kit Avalon AGP Retro Snap Disk kit

    Avalon / Lopi AGP Retro Snap Disk Kit

    Avalon & Lopi  AGP Pellet Stove    -    Retro Snap Disk kit For us in the below models only: Avalon and Lopi    AGP Black Pellet Stove              -   SR#...
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  • AGP Replacement Ash Pan

    Avalon AGP Replacement Ash Pan

    Avalon AGP Pellet Stove Replacement Ash Pan   Avalon and Lopi AGP Replacement Pellet Stove Ashpan  Ashpan Dimension   17.5"W   x   6 1/16"H    x    4 15/16" D  
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  • Lopi / Avalon 250-02623 5/8 " x 60" Gasket

    Avalon / Lopi AGP Ash Pan Gasket

    Avalon / Lopi AGP Pellet Stove  -  Ashpan Door Gasket   Travis Industries OEM 5/8 " x 60" Black Fiberglass Gasket For use on the below models: Avalon AGP Pellet Stove Lopi AGP Pellet Stove  
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  • Lopi Pellet Outside Air Kit 99200136 Lopi Pellet Outside Air Kit 99200136

    Pellet Outside Air Kit 99200136

    Avalon and Lopi Pellet Stove Outside Air Kit 99200136 This kit is for use with the below units: Avalon AGP Stoves & Inserts Lopi AGP Stoves & Inserts Avalon Newport Avalon Astoria Lopi Pioneer Lopi Yankee 99200136 Kit...
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  • AGP Burnpot Deflector #250-02984

    AGP Burnpot Deflector 250-02984

    Avalon and Lopi AGP Pellet Stove  -  Burnpot Deflector #250-02984 Replaces 250-02983 Avalon and Lopi AGP Pellet Stoves and Insert   Firepot / Burnpot cover- with pine cone logo. NO FASTENERS REQUIRED. for use in the below Lopi and...
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  • Avalon/Lopi Power Cord 250-00533

    Avalon/Lopi Power Cord 250-00533

    Avalon / Lopi Pellet Stove and Insert Power Cord #250-00533 Power cord for Avalon and Lopi pellet stoves and insert, approximately 97" long 16 GA wire
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  • 7/8" x 64" Door Gasket 99900406

    7/8" x 64" Door Gasket 99900406

    7/8" x 64" Low Density Door Gasket   -   99900406 This is the OEM Lopi & Avalon Low Density Gasket, this gasket is softer and crushes easier then your typical 7/8" Gasket Replaces Part numbers: 250-00170,...
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  • AGP Vertical Auger Motor 250-02828 AGP Vertical Auger Motor 250-02828

    AGP Vertical Auger Motor 250-02828

    Lopi - Avalon AGP Pellet Stove   -  Vertical Metering Auger Motor #250-02828 HI-TORQUE Auger motor for the pellet metering assembly (Vertical Auger), Used in AGP Pellet Inserts and AGP Pellet Stoves 115Volts   ...
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  • Avalon / Lopi AGP Ignitor 250-02613 Avalon / Lopi AGP Ignitor 250-02613

    Avalon / Lopi Ignitor 250-02613

    Igniter for Avalon and Lopi AGP Pellet Stoves and Pellet Insert - 250 WATT Manufactured by: Travis Industries (Lopi/Avalon/FPX) in Mukilteo Washington USA Designed for use with the below models only: Avalon AGP Avalon AGP Insert Lopi...
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  • Rutland 4" x 20' Pellet Brush Kit

    Rutland 4" x 20' Pellet Brush Kit

    Rutland 4" x 20' Pellet Brush Kit This brush, with a very flexible attached handle, is perfect for navigating the slight bends and elbows of a dryer vent or pellet stove pipe that needs a light cleaning. Won’t scratch or damage metal pipe.
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  • Avalon & Lopi Stoves Snap Disc 250-00313 Avalon & Lopi Stoves Snap Disc 250-00313

    Avalon & Lopi Stoves Snap Disc 250-00313

    Avalon and Lopi Pellet Stoves   -   System Snap Disc  -  Aka: Low Limit Switch # 250-00313          Replaces Lopi and Avalon part #100-00232 Normally open 120 degree ceramic snap disc /...
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  • AGP Pellet Stove 2" Auger Flight 250-02599

    AGP Pellet Stove 2" Auger Flight 250-02599

    Lopi 250-02599    2" Auger Flight OVERALL LENGTH - 10-7/8". USED IN the below Avalon and Lopi Stoves Avalon AGP Stove Avalon AGP insert Lopi AGP insert Lopi AGP Stove Lopi Deerfield Lopi Foxfire
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  •  Lopi / Avalon Convection Fan 250-00588  Lopi / Avalon Convection Fan 250-00588

    Lopi / Avalon Convection Fan 250-00588

    Lopi and Avalon Pellet Stove    -   250-00588 Convection Blower Pellet Stove Convection blower ("snail shell" style) Replaces #90-0491.  Output flange is approximately 4.750" x 4.125"   250-00588 SPECS:...
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  • Lopi AGP Upper Meter Bushing Plate 250-02596

    Lopi AGP Upper Meter Bushing Plate 250-02596

    Lopi and Avalon AGP Upper Metering Auger Bushing Plate 250-02596 ATTACHES TO THE AUGER SIDES AND FORMS THE UPPER BUSHING FOR THE FUEL METERING SHAFT. INCLUDES: (4) SCREWS - HWH SWAG, 8-32 x 3/8".  ***NOTE: USED ON UNITS SR# 2401-000317 AND UP***
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