Product Description
Morso 1410 B Small Wood Burning Stove
The Morso 1410 B is a classic radiant stove that will quickly and efficiently heat small rooms. A traditional wood-burning stove decorated with Morso’s classic squirrel relief on both sides.
• Air wash system
• Primary air supply
• Secondary air supply
• Ash pan
Heats up to ......................................500 - 800 sq ft
Firebox Capacity ............................12.25" x 10.75" .73 cu ft
Size ...................................................Up to 30,000 btu's Max EPA BTU. output: 24,733
EPA Certified...................................Yes - 1.8 g/hr 2020 EPA approved
Efficiency .........................................Up to 73%
Maximum Log Length ..................12′′
Flue Exit & diameter ..................... top or rear - 6′′
Convection blower..........................N/A
Glass Size .........................................9"H x 8"W (
Measurements..................................27.75"H x 15.5"W x 14.5"D
Actual weight ..................................180 lbs
This stove requires a 6" chimney that is minimum of 12 feet of chimney height at sea level and 12-14 feet of chimney at high altitudes to draft properly. (Chimney height is measured from the top of the stove to the chimney cap)